2018 Concerts & News

Cantico - Sun Song
"Brother Sun, Sister Moon" – Christian & Muslim Sun & Moon Songs in the Spirit of St. Francis
30 Years Sarband: Anniversary Concert
Graz (Austria), Psalm, Helmut-List-Halle, 19:00 www.styriarte.com

NEW SARBAND-CD & Downloads!
What the World needs now …
American Joel Frederiksen & Syrian Rebal Alkhodari sing songs about the power of love. Baroque arias & Arabic art songs, American folk songs & new songs of passion & suffering, farewell, the quest for home. CD & downloads in 3 formats (with interactive booklet, including lyrics & translations). The Muse Alliance 2018. In our shop

What the World needs now …
30 Years Sarband: The program of Sarband's new CD
Lauterbacher Pfingstmusiktage www.pfingstmusiktage.de

Graz, Styriarte, Helmut-List-Halle, 20:00
Two armies, two worldviews, two religions in a deadly fight for the future of Europe. The styriarte mobilises two ensembles for the epochal year of 1683 and the decisive Battle of Vienna: Lorenz Duftschmid and his Armonico Tributo on the side of the Christian defenders, and Sarband under Vladimir Ivanoff on the side of the approaching Ottoman army, led by Kara Mustafa. Both sides' points of view come to life in historical texts and the outcome of the battle was unclear until the Poles finally arrived. www.styriarte.com

Passio - Compassio / Passion & Suffering: J. S. Bach & Kurt Weill in arrangements between Jazz, Baroque & Oriental Tradition
Sarband, Haz'art Trio, Fadia El Hage, Rebal Alkhodari, orchestra of the 68th YoungArtistsBayreuth Festival
17.08. Speinshart (Germany), Klosterkirche Maria Immaculata, 19:00, free entrance

Passio - Compassio / Passion & Suffering: J. S. Bach & Kurt Weill in arrangements between Jazz, Baroque & Oriental Tradition
Sarband, Haz'art Trio, Fadia El Hage, Rebal Alkhodari, orchestra of the 68th YoungArtistsBayreuth Festival
18.08. Neustadt bei Coburg, kultur.werk.stadt, 20:00, free entrance

Passio - Compassio / Passion & Suffering: J. S. Bach & Kurt Weill in arrangements between Jazz, Baroque & Oriental Tradition
Sarband, Haz'art Trio, Fadia El Hage, Rebal Alkhodari, orchestra of the 68th YoungArtistsBayreuth Festival
19.08. Bayreuth, Stadtkirche Heilig Dreifaltigkeit, 19:00, free entrance