CDs & Downloads
Sarband's director Vladimir Ivanoff considers audiovisual productions to be independant works of art. His CDs with Sarband and its side projects «L'Orient Imaginaire», «Vox», «Metamorphoses» & «Cycle» have received numerous international awards, among them: Grammy Nomination 1994 / Echo Klassik 2003 & 2006 / Premio Mousiké 2007 / German World Music Award 2008 / Zelta Mikrofons (Baltic Grammy) 2017.

NEW CD & Downloads!
What the World needs now …
American Joel Frederiksen & Syrian Rebal Alkhodari sing songs about the power of love. Baroque arias & Arabic art songs, American folk songs & new songs of passion & suffering, farewell, the quest for home. CD & downloads in 3 formats (with interactive booklet, including lyrics & translations). The Muse Alliance 2018
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All Roads lead Home - Christmas Compilation
24 Medieval Christmas songs - almost 2 hours of music - from around the Mediterranean, leading you up the road to Christmas night. In this very feminine Christmas collection, the female singers of Sarband are mainly praising the Mother of God, Mary. Remasterd excerpts from Sarband's CDs, accompanied by recordings from concerts, only released in this compilation. The download includes 11 pages of song texts (pdf) with translations in German and English / The Muse Alliance 2016
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Canticum Canticorum (& Latvian Radio Choir)
Ottoman Maqam Tradition meets Contemporary Music. A special project, inspired by texts of "Song of Songs", in collaboration with Latvian Radio Choir. Six composers find a new, unique sound. Compositions by Lasse Thoresen (Norway), Toivo Tulev (Estonia), Martins Vilums (Latvia), Santa Ratniece (Latvia), Bushra El-Turk (Lebanon/UK) and Vladimir Ivanoff (Bulgaria, Germany) / Latvijas Koncerti 2017 /
"Zelta Mikrofons" Award (Baltic Grammy) 2017, as best classical album.
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The Arabian Passion According to J.S. Bach
The complexity of J.S. Bach's Passions meet Arab music and Jazz. The Arabian Passion is a musical plea for peace, nourished by the confidence which is the base of Bach's Passions: that one day all suffering will come to an end. WDR/JARO 2009
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Female paths to God in medieval sacred music from Orient & Occident: Chants from the Early Christian Oriental repertoire, medieval songs & polyphony, psalms from rural Sweden. World of Sarband 2006. Published again Soon!

Sarband & The King's Singers - Psalm settings from three religions serve as a source of spirituality, a political instrument, a link between tradition and present, but most of all as a path leading humans together. «Altogether a fascinating, attractive, beautifully performed album.» Barry Witherden, The Gramophone 3/2006 (Editor's choice of the month) / Signum & World Village 2005 At Our Shop

Sarband & Concerto Köln - Travels from Viennese Waltz Ecstasy to the Mysticism of the Whirling Dervishes in Constantinople. Deutsche Grammophon / Archiv 2005 - Echo Klassik Award 2006 iTunes

Medieval & Traditional Music from Voyages of the Body and the Spirit - Sarband live at Baalbek Festival Lebanon / JARO 2003 «This CD is the crown on Sarband's work so far; with a fabulous book … and of course the voice of Fadia el-Hage, merging the three grand religions together into one CD, a perfection of ear, eye and solemn days to come.» Choice Music.NL

Sarband & Concerto Köln - «Alla Turca» compositions by Mozart, Gluck, Kraus & Toderini meet contemporary music from the real Seraglio of the Ottoman Sultans.
The ultimate «Abduction into the Seraglio». Vladimir Ivanoff's pioneering program and arrangements were the model for many other productions to follow in its footsteps / Deutsche Grammophon - Archiv 2003
- Echo Klassik Award 2003 iTunes

Danse Gothique / Satie en Orient
Erik Satie & Guillaume de Machault: brothers in spirit - masters of musical space & time. «The ensemble creates music from dreams.» transparent 11/2000 / «Without any doubt, one of the most important CDs of the year.» Mátyás Kiss, Neue Musikzeitung (Germany) 3-2001 / JARO 2000 / Nocturne 2010 iTunes

Alla Turca: Oriental Obsession
Fruitful musical understanding & misunderstandings between Orient & Occident …. Mozart's «alla turca» motiv combines the pieces of this exotistic anthology into a «rondo« of familar & unfamiliar elements. Teldec 1998 / JARO 2001
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Women as Composers and Performers of Medieval Chant: «… what about the music From a performance standpoint, it is better than good, it's magnificent. From an engineering standpoint, it is better than good, it's exquisite.» Gilbert Head, Rambles (USA), 7.6.2002 / «…some of the most gorgeous Early Music available on disc.» Mary C. Dalton, Renaissance Magazine Online, 2002 / JARO 1998 / Dorian 2001
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Sephardic Songs from the Mediterranean: «A jewel of a disc.» Dirty Linen (USA) 5-2000 / «Throughout this recording, El-Hage's voice is enchanting, subtly expressing the many emotions that run across these songs …» Folk Tales Magazine (USA), 31.10.2000 / Deutsche Harmonia Mundi 1996 At our Shop

Sephardic Songs / Ballads of the Sephardic Jews
Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Music from Medieval Spain: «… a fine piece of musical archeology … » Carool Kersten, Rambles (USA), 28. 12. 2002 / «… very sensuously performed, very passionate. … This is an impressive release; the performances are sensitive and the sound is excellent.» Crawford, American Record Guide 63 (USA), 04-05-2000 / JARO 1995 / Sonifolk 1998 / Dorian 1999 At Our Shop

14th century pilgrim songs from the Monastery of Montserrat (Spain). «This CD is truly a necessary part of anyone's library of medieval music. Intriguingly combining influences from both Western Europe and North Africa with the solemn piety and joyful secularity that are both often associated with medieval music, Sarband has created a recording of subtle yet astounding beauty.» Folk Tales (USA) 5.11.2000 / JARO 1994 / Dorian 1997 At Our Shop

Music from the Courts of Tamerlane (Samarcand) and Frederic II. (Palermo). «A fascinating bridge between Orient and Occident.» AUDIOplus, 8/1992 / JARO 1992 At Our Shop

Medieval Italian Laude & Sufi Music in the Tradition of St. Francis and Mevlana Rumi / JARO & Columbia Japan 1990 At Our Shop

This album is a cooperation between the famous Bulgarian female choir «Mystère des Voix Bulgares» and Sarband and was produced by Sarband's musical director Vladimir Ivanoff. It is a musical voyage from past to future, Orient to Occident / JARO 1989 - Grammy Nomination 1994 At Our Shop
Project CDs

Miserere (New Arrangement & Recording)
Vladimir Ivanoff's conceptual arrangement of Gregorio Allegri's famous "Miserere" is a favorite with choirs since two decades and has been featured in the soundtracks of several Hollywood movies. Now a new recording with choir & saxophone / Vladimir Ivanoff / CSN / Hiemetsberger / Krenn (GRAMOLA 2016, 1 SACD) At Our Shop

Sarband under the project name «cycle», in a pure voices & percussion setup, with singers Fadia el-Hage and Pino de Vittorio. Birth, live and death around the Mediterranean / Deutsche Grammophon/Archiv 2004 amazon mp3

L'Orient Imaginaire: Yehudi - Jewish Music from the Seraglio
Sarband under the project name «L'Orient Imaginaire»: The first anthology of Jewish composers (18th to 20th centuries) working in the classical Ottoman style / Teldec 1998 / World of Sarband 2009 iTunes

L'Orient Imaginaire: (Into the) Labyrinth
Sarband under the project name «L'Orient Imaginaire»: Into the Maze of Past and Living Traditions: Medieval European & Bulgarian Music. Sarband and the soloists from the Bulgarian State Female Choir explore the centuries-old crossroads of Bulgarian traditions / Teldec 1998 / World of Sarband 2009 At Our Shop

The first Classical Surround production ever. Metamorphoses carry traditional choral music into a new dimension with the aid of electronics and computer acoustics. Human voices fuse with the counterpoint created by their electronic conversion to create unfamiliar, three-dimensional sound scapes which arise out of the concurrence of the real space of a church acoustic and the virtual space of multichannel electronics / Teldec 1998 / World of Sarband 2009 At Our Shop

Vladimir Ivanoff's pioneering arrangement of Allegri's Miserere for choir and cornetto was the model for many other productions to follow in it's footsteps. Tracks from this recording were are used in numerous movie soundtracks, f.e. "Place beyond the Pines". Teldec 1998 / CCn'C 2001 / Hearts of Space 2003 At Our Shop

Chants from the Early Christian Arab Tradition in new Arrangements. «Vox forges a unique, unforgettable alloy between ancient sacred mysteries and contemporary recording technology.» Dirty Linen (USA), 9/1999 / Erdenklang 1997 / Hearts of Space 1999 At Our Shop

A Musical Journey through Historical Times and Geographic Spaces. «An unbounded dialogue of cultures, continents and ages is created. All-embracing World Music» Stereo (Germany), 7-1992 / Erdenklang 1992 / Real Music 1994 / Si-Wan 1996 / Origins 1996 At Our Shop

VOX: Hildegard von Bingen - Diadema
Vladimir Ivanoff's pioneering arrangements of Hildegard's chants, the first ever combination of Medieval chant with electronics and computer acoustics. Origins 1990 - Real Music 1994 At Our Shop
CD What the World needs now 1:50
CD What the World needs now 2:15
CD What the World needs now 1:50
CD Canticum Canticorum 2:28
CD Canticum Canticorum 4:29
CD Arabian Passion 3:08
«Jesum von Nazareth»
CD Arabian Passion 2:58
«Und weinete bitterlich»
CD Arabian Passion 3:33
CD Vox Feminae 2:18
CD Vox Feminae 2:14
CD Vox Feminae 2:07
CD Vox Feminae 1:05
CD Pilgrims of the Soul 2:06
Psalm 9
CD Sacred Bridges 2:15
CD The Waltz 1:59
CD Canto de la vida 1:58
CD Danse Gothique 1:57
CD Danse Gothique 2:32
CD Danse Gothique 2:22
CD Danse Gothique 2:18
CD Dream of the Orient 1:12
CD Labyrinth 2:17
CD Yehudi 1:59
CD Sepharad 1:43
CD Sephardic Songs 1:49
CD Sephardic Songs 1:49
CD Alla Turca 1:59
CD Fallen Women 1:44
CD Llibre Vermell 2:04
CD Music of
the Emperors 2:27
CD Cantico 2:45
CD Mystères 2:18